Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Topic Introduction:

Cinematography is defined as "the art of technique of motion picture." Cinematography is the art of motion picture photography. Cinematographers use a lens to focus reflected light from objects into a real image that is transferred to some image sensor or light-sensitive material inside a movie camera

Background Research:

Cinematography is important in film because a plot can be weak, but the camera work, lighting, and other visual elements make it a pleasing experience for a film, the key elements of cinematography are exposure, shot size, camera angle, camera movement, composition, type of lens, depth of field, and white balance.

Content Application:

For an assignment using cinematography, we were supposed to find any focus of the shot that we choose. After we were supposed to take a picture of different shots in different. Instead of me being in the frame I chose different classmates to pose in front of my camera in different angels in the middle of the hallway. After taking these shots I went back into the classroom and started uploading the pictures I took and then placed them into a document. 

Movie Genre

Topic Introduction:

Genre is considered a classification of music, art, literature, or film. Genre is made up of many different components, which helps the viewers understand the kind or type of film they are watching. Some components consists of story, plot, situations, locations, themes, values, and characters. Some other genres are comedy, horror, young adult, science fiction, and etc...

Background Information:

The word genre comes from the French word for 'kind' or 'class'. The term is widely used in expression literary theory, media theory, and more recently linguistics, to refer to a distinctive type of 'text'*. Genre isa style or type of music, literature, movies, or other media. Some genres (styles) are used in more than one form of art or communication. The purpose of a genre is to help you figure out how people tend to act, react, and interact in the situation in which you are writing. So if you tell your readers you are giving them a “movie review,” they will have some predictable expectations about the content, organization, style, and design of your text.

Content Application: 

For a class project we were told to pick a genre, analyze the genre we chose, and to put what we learned into a power point. After we had to summarize all of the information we put into our power point onto a poster board. Comedy is a genre of fiction that consists of discourses or works intended to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, film, stand-up comedy, television, radio, books, or any other entertainment medium. Comedy means a branch of drama, which deals with everyday life and humorous events. It also means a play of light and amusing type of theatre.


I have learned that film genre is a stylistic or thematic category for motion pictures based on similarities either in the narrative elements, aesthetic approach, or the emotional response to the film. There are a few different types of genre in literature. Genre is important in order to be able to organize writings based on their form, content, and style.



Mise-en-Scene is a French word that means visual composition of the shot. Also meaning everything placed on the stage or in front of the camera including subjects and people. Mise en scene is a catch all for everything that contributes to the visual presentation and overall look of a production. When the word is translated from French, it means “placing on stage.” Mise en scene helps elevate the film from a series of moving images to an art form. Many different elements come into play to make this happen, such as setting, lighting, actors, decor, makeup etc...

Background Research: It refers to everything placed on the stage or in front of the camera—including people. In other words, mise en scène is a catch-all for everything that contributes to the visual presentation and overall “look” of a production. When translated from French, it means “placing on stage.”Mise en scene is a cinema studies term that refers to what’s put in the scene. It refers to the overall effect of lighting, make up, costume, props and colour within the frame. Lighting determines what is illuminated and what is left in shadow and as such can create a whole set of enigmas and puzzles. The quality of light determines whether the scene is filled with bold, striking shadows, or is diffuse and hazy. The entire mise-en-scène will in effect bring colour sources to a scene but the visual composition will be carefully arranged.  a film's mise-en-scène achieves not only the ability to express to an audience the mood, drama, and likely events of a scene or sequence, but its affecting intensity, its mode of feeling, and to invite the viewer to feel deeply too. 

Content Application: I applied mise-en- scene on a project where i was asked to create an positioning of items to stage a illusion photo using mise-en-scene elements. For my project I decided to do a Scene from Red riding hood. Since I missed a day I chose to work on my own at home. I had to draw out how I wanted it to look and then I started building. I used a Nike shoe box as a base for my background. I cut out pieces of cardboard so my characters can stand up on their own. I only used scissors acrylic paint for this project. After I had to write a paragraph explaining all components of mise-en-scene and how I used them to create meaning in my picture.


What I got from this lesson is that mise-en-scene plays a major role in a film. mise-en-scene helps elevate the film from a series of moving images to an art form. After learning about this I got to actually use mise-en-scene which helped me understand why mise-en-scene is important.


Creative Critical Reflection

  Creative Critical Reflection